Dulciana's Quote Of The Day

"Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly. "

Wednesday 22 April 2009

A Funeral that made me think........

RAWR! This blog thing is getting a habbit!

OK... I've had a "sorty outy" day today. But... i didnt get everything I wanted to do done so I have to have another sorty outy day tomorrow!!!

I Played the organ at a funeral again this morning (Was sad because I remember playing at a funeral of the same family a few weeks ago). Funerals dont tend to spook me however I remember the one a few weeks ago because I had a bit of a spooky experience! I shall explain.... Usually when the family are walking into the church / chapel I play some random music from my books. So, as I always do I opened my book to a piece I liked and turned around to look to see if everything was ready to start on time. When I turned back, my pages of the book had flipped over onto a different piece of music so I played whatever was on that page and thought nothing of it (Pages turn themselves all the time!) but... at the end of the service, the same thing happened but a different piece of music. Again I thought nothing of it and just played it..... After the service the grand daughter of the lady who had died came to see me and said "Thank you, that was lovely! - How did you know they were my nans favourite pieces of music?" I didnt know what to say! Was it chance? or was her nan there and did she turn my pages? I'd like to think she was there :)

However, todays funeral was pretty un eventful (nothing exciting other than the vicar being late!

Sorty outy wise I've: Been to the job centre, run some errands and had a sort out of my bed room.

So thats about it for now.... thats my day (Maybe I'll write another blog about my evening later)


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