Dulciana's Quote Of The Day

"Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly. "

Saturday 25 April 2009

Silly O Clock Blog

Ok... I've just got back from a rave night at work (Its silly O clock in the morning again and I'm very tired!). It was good fun and I got to play with lots of pyrotechnics hehe.

Was slightly shocked about the amount of drugs being passed around backstage but I supose thats because Im so not used to it! Its something I've never tried and never plan on trying. But... from working in the hospital I have puicked up on how to recognise drug use etc. and it shows that this stuff was every where! (and the powder left on the tables back stage just goes to show how openly it was being done!) Nothing exciting happened other than me managing to lose keys under a floor board - I blame Miss S Because I was on the phone to her at the time ;) hehe - Bloody Distractions.... (But a worth while and beautiful distraction at that!) ;) x

Speaking of Miss S..... I've Just read an email from her (even though I spoke to her this evening it was nice to read) However, Im slightly spooked* by a Victor Hugo quote on the bottom of it. All will become clear when I explain what i'm sending her by post because it involves that very quote... hehe [Fate.......?]

Ok.... time for bed now me thinks :)
But first of all i'm going to do some meditation (I'll explain about the meditation thing im doing tomorrow)

Nos Da! (Good Night) or maybe I should say Bore Da (Good Morning) now because its 3:25 am!!!

Much Love,

*Spooked may be the wrong word but i dont know how to explain it

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