Dulciana's Quote Of The Day

"Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly. "

Friday 24 April 2009

Ba do do do.....

I tried to buy a contract phone this afternoon but.... I hit a snag. The interenet site wasn't working properly so I had to phone to try to get it sorted. Now.... if the internet site was working I would have had no problems and everything would have gone through fine. But... the phone call resulted in me being passed back and fore between 6 people!!! I finally managed to get my details to them only to be told that I need to FAX proof of my address. NOT HAPPY! WHo used Fax these days anyway!?!

Now... work this one out!
If i bought it on the internet I do not need to prove my address, However because I did it over the phone I do? If anyone can explain a reason for this then please let me know :)

So yea... I had a hissy fit and have decicded not to get my contract phone with them. I'll look elsewhere in the morning because i've been told of a few places that offer free gifts with the contract I want :)

Choir practice this evening was ok (Not many people turned up but that was expected because alot of people are away) Had a nice chat and catch up with some people and a cup of tea after the rehearsal and then had a meeting with 2 wedding couples to discuss wedding music. (Actually 2 very nice couples who were nowhere near as bad as some people whos wedding I have played for - maybe i'll do a blog all about my nightmare weddings one day)

I'm just packing something now ready to send to a certain Miss S because I had a "Saw this and thought of you moment" earlier and then i'm going to bed because its Silly o Clock AGAIN! and I'm working at the hospital in the morning.

Much Love!

Oooo... I forgot to explain the title of this post (Ba do do do...) Apparantly its the "Cheer of the NerdFighters". I've picked it up from Miss S. Who got it from a youtube post and now... I KEEP DOING IT!!!

So......... Ba Do Do Do!!! and Good Night!!! x

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